Folk I Fools Wit

Monday, November 11, 2013

Tis The Season, Already...

I usually try and wait until turkey day has passed before I start rolling-out the yuletide adornments, but fuck-it - the balsam fir scented candle is now lit, Christmas-themed movies have been pushed to the top of my Netflix DVD queue, holiday cards have been purchased & addressed.

I'd say that I'm all-in when it comes to having the Christmas spirit, lol. I just returned from shopping for Christmas decorations & supplies in Waldorf... it's my favorite time of the year! 

Though Thanksgiving is still 2 (full) weeks away & already I'm playing Christmas music, lol. I'm not the only one with the 'early' spirit though, each of the stores I visited was crowded with holiday shoppers, I felt much better among my people, lol. It's nice to be ahead of the curve, especially in an area as gridlocked as the DMV, now I've got less running around to do as we get closer to Christmas. 

So I guess I can focus solely on the gifts I need to purchase now that I've gotten all of those miscellaneous little purchases out of the way. Perhaps I'll do a little Black Friday shopping this year & knock-out all of my gifts in one day too!


  1. I must visit the Christmas Tree store in the coming weeks....I have to make sure the house is decorated bc I'm hosting Christmas this year.

  2. Oh yea? I'm sure you'll make it happen w/o a hitch!
