Folk I Fools Wit

Monday, February 10, 2014


In recent months, I've been asked upon more frequently, by various friends & family members, to assist with some of the more standard do-it-yourself repairs, here & there. 

Most recently, while assisting a friend one day, she made fun of my tool bag (or lack there of, rather), a reusable grocery bag, lmao! 

So the following weekend, I made it my business to go to the hardware store & purchase a more appropriate (lol) bag to tote my most commonly used tools. Well... what began as a simple trip to the store for a bag has essentially become a complete over-haul of my entire tool/hardware collection. 

Thanks to my brother's garage clean-up effort this past summer, we now have 1 tool chest, versus the 2 separate tool collections we'd each maintained in years previous. The new consolidated tool chest was full of sh!t, some of it was my bro's, some of it was mine, hell some of that crap was my father's even. First thing I needed to do was figure-out which tools belonged to who! 

Once I'd finally knocked-out that process, I began taking an inventory of the tools that I currently owned, still needed & also the ones that had gone missing over the years. After days of trudging thru various auto parts, tools & hardware, I managed to come up with a complete listing of the things I did & didn't have. 

After spending the subsequent weeks acquiring much of the missing hardware & tools, I'm now happy with the current organization of my tool collection. Though many of these tools have been pretty cheap to replace, others were a bit pricier than I'd recalled. Nonetheless, I now have a decent tool bag as well - or 1 that should command far less laughter anyway, lol...