Folk I Fools Wit

Monday, February 17, 2014

Running, A Solitary Endeavor...

Today is President's Day, a federal holiday & better still... another day-off from work, giving me a 3-day weekend. 

I decided to do something a bit more productive than just lie dormant beneath the sheets this morning, so I got my ass up & headed out for a run (armed with a new gospel run playlist). 

It was the 1st run of the season - following my standard 3-month layoff during the winter. I typically prefer to run routes no shorter than 6.2 miles, but this morning, my body & mind were both very much content with a 5k run instead. It was only 27° out there, my lungs were just about depleted of oxygen & seemingly unable to produce more, so I called it quits for the day. Hell, I still ran 3.1 miles longer than most people will today, lol. 

Since it had been my offseason before this morning's run, I hadn't taken any of my vitamins or dietary supplements, plus I was just plain out of shape, considering that, I won't be so critical when it comes to my run stats for the day. Truth be told, I was so glad to get this 1st run over with, the 1st is always the toughest I find. 

Upon returning home, I showered, enjoyed a large breakfast & climbed directly back into bed for more sleep... welp, at least the early part of the day was productive for the kid, lol...


  1. Is it run season already?!?!? Hope to see you on the trails.

    1. Yea I got started a couple of weeks early this year - had cabin fever with all of this snow we've been getting.
