But as far as what's been happening in my world lately...
I've been very poor - point-blank, period, the end. Lol, I've been pouring
every cent earned right back into my new home. Though I've very much enjoyed
watching the transition from just a new home to my home, it's been a
challenge accomplishing the many tasks, while maintaining continuity in other
areas of my life as well.
All & all, I'd like to think I've managed to sustain the
quality of life I expect for myself fairly well, but boy... I'd be a liar if I
said I hadn't coasted into the past few paydays on fumes alone, lol.
But it's a sacrifice I'm voluntarily making in
order to get some things accomplished ahead of schedule, plus it's
definitely a satisfying feeling to know you're managing a difficult situation.
And now that I've completed my budget for 2016, I can see the light at the end
of the credit debt tunnel & for me, that works just fine.
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