Allow me
to preface this post by 1st saying that my Pops is a great dude. In a world
where fathers are attacked & slammed daily by abandoned children,
mis-stresses, wives, ex-wives & the ever-so-popular: baby mother
- it's only right that I take the time to combat the trending twitter topics
& various Facebook posts by announcing the fact that my father is
indeed the exception to what most certainly seems to have become the rule.
Not only
did he beat my ass when appropriately ordered to do so by Ma (lol), he
praised each of my individual triumphs, while also managing to support (financially
& emotionally) a great number of my unique ventures into the great
unknown, which he commonly referred to as - the real world. Recalling
my memories of him as a child, I can remember he was an early-riser, I myself,
now wake between 5 & 6am daily.
He always
left for work while it was still dark outside & very rarely did he ever
take leave from work. He always took his lunch with him (a practice Mom
& I had long since given up in school, lol) & was home
daily by 4:15pm. I swear, you could set your clocks to this guy's daily
routine. He handled all the typical maintenance & upkeep any house
requires over time. As a former used car salesman, he understood the
maintenance required to keep a car running - he was just handy.
As a kid,
I just thought he was my personal Mr. Wizard (80s tv reference, lol) - he was a
computer specialist at the Pentagon, so I was fascinated by his work early on.
Around the house, he could fix/build just about anything it seemed. The day I
took over grass-cutting duty was SUCH a big deal - I was finally old enough to
start doing man-stuff too, lmao. At age 10 or 11, he & I would come to
learn we both shared something in common - the love of football. I think it was
then, he knew his blood coursed through my veins, lol.
From that
point forward, our campaign to convince Ma to allow me to play was on!
Eventually she conceded & the rest is history. I guess it turns out, he
was my 1st coach in life & on the field of play as well. I remember he
was a tough coach & an even tougher parent, but at the end of each
scolding, the life lesson was evident to me & I always walked away a
better athlete/person as a result of his taking the time. He didn't try to
raise me just as he raised my brother, but instead judged us both on our own
individual merit.
he's never been a man of many words, he ALWAYS knew the right time to
sit-my-ass-down & put a lil' sumthin in my ear right quick. I'm forever
gratetful for the many lessons he taught by way of the example he lead. He
showed me exactly what being a devoted husband & loving father entailed, something
I've yet to come across in any book, so I certainly recognize the blessing it's
been to have him around.
Pops is
getting up there in age nowadays, so I find myself spending more time with him,
while at the house doing yard work, at family gatherings over holidays,
birthdays, or whatever. Guess I just wanna soak up what I can, while I can.
Throughout history, the sacrifice of the mother who is forced to be both Mom
& Dad has been well-chronicled. But on this day, let it be known that MY
father was also my Dad, & you know what? He was fuckin' good at
it too...