Sunday, December 26, 2010

An 18-game NFL Season, Why Not?

So I've been listening to the talk about the proposed 18-game NFL season & I've tried my best to hear out all valid reasoning for not moving in that direction, but even after listening to concerns of the players, coaches & fans alike - don't see what the big deal is.

If they're only shaving 2 games from pre-season & adding them to the regular season there's really no significant increase in exposure to injury to players, so I'm really not buying into the whole 'safety of the players' argument. The way I see it, their salaries ( comparison to the typical person) more than covers for hazard pay & unlike soldiers, they don't even have to duck bullets.

Plus, they're even talking about giving teams a 2nd bye-week & additional roster spots, so really - what the fuck is the problem? I'll bet hockey players all over the world are getting a kick out of the soft nature of the the NFL nowadays - from skirts on quarterbacks to players crying about how adding 2 more games to a 16-game season will significantly affect quality of life moving forward. Fuck-outta-here....

Bottom line, it's going to happen, so hopefully all of the infighting between the NFL, team owners & the NFL Players Association will soon cease long enough to get a collective bargaining agreement hammered-out soon (like BEFORE the draft), but the NFLPA isn't helping the pace, by trying to prevent a longer season - it's inevitable my friends...

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